Mushen, James
Disaster preparedness for urban dwellers, do you live in the city? What have you done to protect you, your family, your parents and pets when the; earthquake, flood, fire, hurricane or other disaster suddenly destroys your world? What is emergency preparedness anyway? Do you have any emergency food or will your kids go hungry? What will you do when the power grid is gone and with it the light, heat and water for your home? This emergency disaster preparedness guide can save your life. Urban Preppers with Kids, Pets & Parents goes far beyond the basic emergency preparedness handbooks and provides practical, real world advice and answers to questions such as: How do I heat and light my house? What food should I store? How do I protect my kid with a disability? How can I harden my home against burglars? Where is the "hidden water" in my house? How YouTube made my dead bolt lock useless. What are the 37 essential food items that disappear? How can I mitigate damage to my home or business? What fuels are safe to use indoors unvented? What about service animals? What do I pack for my kids and my baby? What about senior survival and wheelchairs? What is Isobutane and why do I need it? Is freeze-dried or dehydrated food more nutritional? What and where is the closest LDS cannery? Why I may NOT want to go to a FEMA shelter. How do I plan survival for my pets? What's the secret to bug out bags? And Much, Much More............... Urban Preppers is the emergency response preparedness guide for the rest of us who are not Bear Grylls survivalist but regular people from all walks of life and of every, age gender and socioeconomic level. We pay insurance premiums for cars, homes, health and are lives. Why not include some disaster assurance protection and get some piece of mind and pick up your copy of Urban Preppers today? Take some action now to protect your family and loved ones from the unexpected. The clock is ticking. Review I My name is Rex Michaels and for the past 30 year I have had the privilege to train Specials Operation Teams, West Point Cadets, ROTC Cadets, Military Recruits and civilians in mastering survival techniques. What I appreciate about Urban Preppers is the accuracy and focus on emergency preparedness fundamentals. - Rex Michaels, Retired Army I am asked to review all kinds of survival products, most go by the wayside but I was recently asked to review this book. I was pleasantly surprised at how thorough the book is.This book covers a lot of information on disaster survival for those who live in an urban environment. It is well written, easy to understand, and contains a lot of good information. It is obvious that the author did a lot of research. I highly recommend this book. -Tim Shettlesworth*- Squidoo.com/survival-book, rockymountainsurvival.com* "We are so grateful for James Mushen's huge compendium of urban survival information. Download this book. Print it out, put it on a USB stick, keep it on your reader along with backup batteries. Have it at the ready... just in case."- George Hemminger, survivalist, economist, film-maker, YouTube "sensation" with 20 million views. Youtube.com/george4title & SurviveandThrive.tv I review a lot of books about prepping and Urban Preppers ranks up with the best. It presents problems and solutions in a low-key, upbeat manner. The material is highly readable with a bit of wit and humor to keep it interesting. Geared toward the beginner and intermediate prepper, as you read you are going to say to yourself, "I had not thought about that". Gaye Levy, *BackdoorSurvival.com*